Spectra Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser

The world’s leading Q-Switched laser platform

What is Spectra Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser?

Our Spectra Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser is the world’s leading Q-Switched laser platform, featuring four different handpieces and 5 different laser wavelengths to address all skin concerns, ranging from pigmentation, redness, brown spots, active acne, congestion, and enlarged pores with no-downtime.

Designed in Korea, it is suitable for all skin types and skin tones.

What is Gold Toning?

Gold Toning is a gentle, no-downtime solution for rosacea and redness, inflammation, acne breakouts and post-acne red scars.

Key benefits: Reduced inflammation, redness, acne and post acne marks.

The best results when combined with other treatment modalities such as the Spectra Carbon Peel and the Hydrafacial.

What is Laser Toning?

Laser toning is designed to treat pigmentation in all skin tones and types. Designed in Korea, the 1064nm Q-switch is designed to reduce pigmentation and all things brown.

Gold standard treatment to break down areas of uneven pigmentation, selectively targeting melanin.

Additionally, it has a rejuvenating effect, improving skin texture.

Requires multiple treatments for the best results.


Revital Laser treatment is the perfect treatment to add on for vital skin rejuvenation and soft collagen stimulation. 

This longer laser wavelength goes deep into the dermis creating a thermal energy to stimulate collagen and improve skin texture and tone.  

What is RuVY Touch?

This laser treatment is ideal to address focal pigmentation spots including freckles and sun spots.

Featuring a small spot size to precisely target one lesion at a time, the laser waves spare damage to the surrounding tissue, making it a safe option for darker skin types. Immediately after treatment the treated lesions will darken and naturally exfoliate within 4 – 7 days.



Spectra Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser


Suitable for all skin types
This is a minimally invasive laser treatment that doesn’t require topical anaesthesia. Clients often describe a mild prickling sensation.

Results are gradual and often spaced 2 – 3 weeks apart. A course of 4 – 8 treatments is often recommended, especially for melasma and pigmentation in darker skin tones. Maintenance treatments and skin care adherence. Packages available.

Use broad spectrum sunscreen daily. You can apply makeup immediately after. We ask you don’t use skincare with active ingredients such as AHAs, BHAs or Retinol for 24 hours post-treatment.